“I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through.” – Jules Verne


Natural breeds: They come from a population of cats that developed spontaneously and acquired distinctive characteristics over time, without human intervention in genetic selection. These breeds result from the natural evolution of cats in specific environments. Examples: Norwegian cat, Korat, Maine Coon...

Artificial Breeds: Some breeds have been created by humans through genetic selection and hybridization to obtain specific characteristics. For example, the hairless sphinxes, the folded ears of the Scottish fold (denounced by veterinarians because they suffer from cartilage problems), the Bengal for its leopard fur, the Selkirk rex for its curly hair...

European shorthair : Descendants of the wild cat domesticated in Egypt 4000 years ago, they are also the result of crossbreeding between breeds and are the most widespread throughout the world. Often less fragile than purebred cats, more independent, their characters and behaviors are also more varied.

Behaviour and characteristics
  • An average cat sleeps 16 hours in a day.

  • A cat's whiskers and tail are mood indicators.

  • A cat's ear has 32 muscles and can hear really tiny deviations in sound.

  • Almost all calico cats are female.

  • The oldest cat ever survived for 38 years.

    More secrets revealed about cats on my blog :

  • Take the test "Are you of a cat or a dog person?".

  • Find out why felines inspire science fiction writers.

  • Discover a rare Thai breed: the Korat